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  • Writer's pictureBeth Feger, PhD.

Hard days

Some days are hard. You get to the end of them and wonder how you even survived. None of it is really difficult by a world wide scale but in the small privileged world you live the day has been a mess. It's a phone call from school that your kid is sick (or in the principal's office), or a long line at the grocery store that is out of toilet paper, an awkward conversation and not being able to do all things. It's the huge pile of laundry and realizing that you graduated high school more than 30 years ago and some how you lost 10 years and you could be a grandma but you are still dealing with a kid who won't go to bed because it is still light outside at 8:00 (I mean seriously why is daylight savings time still a thing?). It's wanting to add an Alanis Morissette reference and then wondering if anyone still remembers her.

I am grateful that this day is ending. I wrote it down.

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