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  • Writer's pictureBeth Feger, PhD.

toilet paper

Updated: Jul 5, 2020

I stopped at Target on Thursday to pick up some toilet paper - not in a stockpiling anticipating quarantine sort of way, just your run-of-the-mill we need toilet paper sort of way and all of the toilet paper was gone, every last roll. After lunch, I headed to HEB to pick-up our groceries for the week, at this point I realized that toilet paper might be in high demand so I went immediately to the toilet paper section and it was empty, I got the rest of my groceries and came home. But I started feeling anxious, my stomach was upset, I couldn't focus, I checked Amazon - toilet paper wasn't shipping. I started reading more about the corona virus just to amp up my anxiety. My husband came home with 8 rolls of toilet paper - we had enough but I was still anxious.

This morning I was talking to a friend and mentioned the toilet paper and how I was thinking of going to another Target to look for some. It wasn't until I said this out loud that I realized that all of my anxiety wasn't really about toilet paper, it was about fear and feeling out of control. She suggested that I remind myself that I do have enough toilet paper and that even if I didn't she had plenty and would be happy to share. Isn't this a crazy world?

I am safe, I am loved, I am enough. Dear ones, please ask if you need toilet paper or anything at all really.

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